Financial Aid

Camp Dark Waters strives to ensure that finances should never prevent a child from attending camp. We encourage families that need assistance with the financial cost of camp to apply. The M. Reid Bush Campership Trust Fund was created to provide need based financial aid (Camperships) to families who want their children to have a camp experience.

The following guidelines and expectancies will generally be applied to candidates for tuition assistance:

  1. Your camper(s) must be registered to attend Camp Dark Waters before consideration is given for financial assistance. CDW must have received a $100.00 deposit for each camper. Deposits are credited toward tuition and are fully refundable.
  2. The MRB Campership Trust Fund Advisory Committee needs all the required information below before it can process any financial aid requests:
    • The M. Reid Bush Campership Application
    • A copy of your first page of last year’s IRS 1040 form showing your adjusted gross income.
    • Optional – Are there any extenuating circumstances you would like the Advisory Board to take into consideration? Most Campership Awards are based solely on income, but we understand that there can be many other factors affecting a family’s finances. Please let us know of any financial or other circumstances you would like us to consider.
  3. Once the camper(s) are registered and all information received, the Campership Advisory Committee will review your campership application. Please allow up to 2 weeks for this process. The amount of tuition assistance for each child will be determined based on total family income and any extenuating circumstances you wish the Advisory Committee to take into consideration.
  4. We want to make assistance available to as many children as possible, so financial aid will be limited to either one or two weeks of camp per child.

Campership application(s) and accompanying paperwork should be sent to, Camp Dark Waters, P.O. Box 263 Medford, NJ 08055 or emailed to We are always happy to chat about camp or answer any questions you have about the campership process. Please feel free to call the camp office at (609) 654-8846 if you have any questions. We are excited to have your family as part of the Camp Dark Waters Community.